Do you manage your emotions or do your emotions manage you?

Rooted In Hope is here to help you move toward Hope & Healing!

Feeling stuck and hopeless is hard, let's start something new!

We help you to break up the “cycles” people feel within themselves or that they experience with others so that they can be able to move toward a life they want to connect with instead of escape from!

The same reactions keep happening over and over and you feel like you can't stop them?
Feeling like you either have to fight or hide in situations with others?
Having trouble standing up for yourself or saying "no" to others?
Seemingly "small" things provoke BIG reactions from you or your significant other?

Sometimes life and relationships with others feel like we get pulled down a vortex of feeling alone, misunderstood, unloved and unwanted. We wonder, “What’s the point?” and we see no way forward and it steals our hope for anything to be any different.

Dallas-Fort Worth Area Couples & Trauma Therapy

Sometimes, in order to achieve the change we seek, someone else stepping in to facilitate change can make all the difference!

How Hannah & Her Team Can Help You

Couples Therapy

I’m in-depth trained in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy where we examine your “reactive cycle” to each other and we are able to explore what’s going on behind the reactions we see and then react to. It’s a powerful experience of being able to explore on your own what’s going on and then being able to share that with your significant other in a way that offers them a chance to see and hear you in a new way! I have seen several couples who were “on the brink” get to see themselves and their partners in new ways and grow in love and connection with them and they create more the life they want together!

Trauma Work

While trauma is a common word to hear in our culture, Somatic Experiencing (SE) focuses on the body and nervous system’s reaction to the world and our experiencing. Our bodies remember even more than our mind does. With SE, we trust that your body remembers how to protect you from bad things happening to you without having to go into details about your trauma. Through being able to self-soothe in session and then being able to interact with some distress and come back into soothing, it allows for your body and mind to heal simultaneously and the need to “protect” you starts dissipate, allowing you to assess and respond to situations in a way that helps you get where you want to go.

Emotion & Reaction

Sometimes in life our reactions “get the better of us” and sometimes we react before even realizing what is happening. With my in-depth training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, an effective modality for helping manage emotions and reactions, you will learn how to help your mind and body slow down in the moment to allow you to respond instead of react as well as interact more effectively with others. So if you feel like your emotions are in the driver’s seat of your life, and you’d prefer YOU to be in the driver’s seat…I’m very equipped to help you learn new skills that will get you the life you desire to have.

But that's not all

I've also curated a carefully selected top tier network of well-trained and service-minded people I trust to help me out.

Because of my passion for helping you with your relationships whether that means from within, your partner, or even your family, I’ve decided to team up with a few trusted people to help me serve you even better! You can view more information about what other services we have to offer on the services page here or you can reach out to get started & I will help guide you.

Kind Words


Schedule A Risk-Free Consultation To See If Rooted In Hope Is A Good Fit For You!

Feeling stuck and hopeless is hard, let's start something new!

It’s very common to feel nervous about beginning or coming back to try therapy again. What’s amazing about the consultation calls is that it offers you a chance to hear my voice, get your questions answered with no risk or judgment, and get a feel for if I’m a “fit” for you early on without even coming to the office! I’ll hear you out and explain what we have to offer and you get the freedom to decide if you’d like to come see us or not!

Making sure you "fit" with a counselor is one of the main initial indicators of how much progress you see in here's a bit about me, Hannah, the owner.

Hi, I'm Hannah Taylor, the owner of Rooted In Hope, and I'm here to connect with you.

I’m a wife of over a decade and a mom of 4. I’m passionate about my work as a counselor, but also I just love getting to connect with other humans in a way where they feel seen both inside and outside of my office. I started Rooted in Hope in 2022 because I wanted to be there for people as well as practice what I preach in terms of work/life balance.


It’s important to me that I am a professional counselor while also being dedicated to my life at home. I love that I get to take my skill set and apply it in a way that serves my community as part of my work and then go home and be a wife and a mom that doesn’t serve my family “just the leftovers” after doing therapy all day. I’m blessed to be in this position and look forward to serving you as my community as well as being my fullest self at home! 


I’m known by my clients as both authentic and easy to connect with as well as being honest with them when things are not as effective in their lives as they could be. This is true of me both professionally and personally and I hope that together we can get you connect to the help you want.

One of the biggest questions in therapy... What will it cost me?

If you want to move forward, learn and grow...

We'd love to help you move from hopeless to hopeful!

Don’t do this journey of life alone, being able to have a travel companion for a time can make a ton of difference! Whether you’re going through a life transition, need someone to talk to, or are in crisis…let’s connect and see if me or any of my amazing friends can help serve you as you desire to move ahead in a meaningful way.